Saturday, 1 December 2012

week 3: Discovering Impromptu Art

This week we've been studying on creating a offhand drawing. we are learning from the basic, from line to shapes. Creating an art on the spot, at first it was really hard i have to find my model for me before i can create my perfect drawing i always set my mood. And it was difficult for me to do it, sometimes distraction occur, having satisfied in an art which is not good. I thought that i'm the only one who's acting like but i figured out that my classmate feel the same, they have this feeling of insecurity of other drawings that unable them to continue their art. :( 

In my technical drawing i'm having a hard time in the basic, i thought that it will be easy but it's not creating a straight line, right curves then creating something out of a shape. It funny but i have realized while saying it was hard, we can really apply it in our on the spot drawing. Last Thursday we have to make a drawing about in action what is happening in the Gym. I made a man out of circle and box. the way i draw is different from it. i just start on hair then face, but i have to make a position which difficult to make, I used the way our prof. teach and it was effective :)

They define Impromptu art as an A piece composed or played at first thought. it means it can be doodle on your notebook, or something that you see and inspired you. It can be made of pencil and crayons color that can create different art. you don't prepare on creating it most of the artist are like this it's on their mood on how they will made the art.  What can i say art is made by feelings and their meaning is made by the artist the viewer is the one who interprets the artist way of art. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012


The Greek Gods and Goddess in this Era and time was the mightiest of all, their power and beauty is above. It was said that in ancient Greece competition is on going between city-state had the best statues and the most beautiful temples, they made perfect statues of people and the columns that were supported a building, were perfectly symmetrical.

Corinthian Style
Doric Style
Ionic Style

Ionic Style - thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a scroll-like design (a volute). This style was found in eastern Greece and the islands.
Corinthian- Corinthian style is seldom used in the Greek world, but often seen on Roman temples. Its capital is very elaborate and decorated with acanthus leaves.
 Doric- Doric style is rather sturdy and its top (the capital), is plain. This style was used in mainland Greece and the colonies in southern Italy and Sicily-(google).

And because it was dominated by religion it was not surprising that the temples in that time has the most beautiful structure but, Greece didn't last long because the Romans Conquer the Greeks, and as the Greek fall their arts lives, Romans is the visual of of Greece they produced hundred copy of Greece Art. It was the largest empire in the history and  its impressive art reflects this power and the mighty empires reach across the world. Most of the Greek sculptures that exist today are actually Roman replicas of the original.


The Colosseum is one of great architecture of the Romans it is composed of arch that pile together it is composed of 80 gigantic arches and 20 ft high. (National Geographic) form into a giant ring around the perimeter it was a symphony of arches that was build for the battle of warrior in that time. we can say that we really adapted this way of creating a building in the Rome. I think this is the influential period of the history we can still see the Ruins today and those technique used to design the stone are still we used today specially in church and museum. i was really amazed on how the roman can go anywhere using their skilled engineer, (, how they build a bridge to be able to cross on the river and make it in time in invading the German. Leading the greatest warrior Ceasar, the power that influence as all in all. 

it was amazing on how they able to make a structure that still stands today we can say how firm it was and to be able to finish it earlier, materials that they made to be able to create it, it was a magnificent art.