Friday, 13 July 2012


HI! Guys! just got home doing. Well we at last we are through with our examination in COMMUNICATION. whoosh! i thought we won't be able to finish it because what Marian said, Today is Friday the 13th?. I don't actually believe in that because it is us who make our destiny we shouldn't rely on that kind of thing and beleive God. Well any way we finish it today thanks to our TEAM WORK. :]

Team Work is also important part of Communication through this will be able to communicate well to other people. exchanging ideas to make your task or project easier and look good. Like what HATAKE KAKASHI said team work is important because they might be able to defeat him if they just move as one and not plan separately. In Team Work no one is a leader each member should understand the move of each   other so that it will be successful. 

That is why it is true that 2 is better than one. :) they must follow the Team Development which is:
1. Forming
these 3 will help you to be able to achieve a good teamwork and communication among your team mate.1)Forming you head must start the discussion to be perform.2) Storming after you have discuss the topic, tell it to your group mate to be able to get other idea, Communication is important as well as regular feedback on progress.3) Performing notice all the opportunities for the success of your group in the future.

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